Help needed to advance Fifth World R&D project

On 30 June 2011, I made a bit micronational history by starting the not so theoretical field of Fifth World microlending. This field is still a work in progress, and other offshoots of the field are also materialising, such as fully functioning Fifth World aquaponics systems [article, video].

Fifth World microlending already has, by itself, the potential to finance projects in the so-called First World that no bank or even microlender would ever finance.

In addition to that, Fifth World microlending is already about assisting people to purchase items in different currencies, and even people who do not have credit cards can be helped.

It is clear that Fifth World microlending can lead to the solution of many yet unsolved or unaddressed financial problems.

Now it looks like Fifth World microlending needs to expand its services even further so as to ensure, as much as possible, that loan recipients don’t default on their loans, things regular bankers never have to worry about. Have I accidentally stumbled on the totally unforeseen field of holistic economics?

I need your help, and/or creative energies, to find a decent solution for a problem.

The problem is this: how can we increase sales of the ebook and kits at the URL below?

The products are:

  1. an aquaponics documentation CD with video (valued at $40);
  2. a bell siphon with aquaponics documentation CD with video (valued at $70, with free shipping in the lower 48 US states);
  3. an aquaponics 800 gph tank pump (valued at $99).

Part of the solution of the problem can simply be your purchase of one or more of the items above, but if a distributor, or even several distributors, can be found, we would be able to sell many more of the items. These items would be well-placed in a store, shop, or web merchant that sells survival and/or self-sufficiency equiment/solutions.

By helping with the solution of this problem, you will be doing several things:

  1. helping Green-Trust, a small non-profit, further its research and educational purpose, a mission which is very Fifth Worldish in nature;
  2. helping the advancement of the field of Fifth World microlending, which could lead to yet other educational materials or solutions in the future, and possibly even prizes or awards in the field of economics;
  3. facilitating the repayment of the first Fifth World loan, and once the loan is fully repaid with the promised interest, I can make the original $800 principle available for other Fifth World R&D projects;
  4. helping the advancement and growth of real Fifth World communities in a very factual way.

If you can help, and/or have a good idea, please contact me at bct [at] as soon as possible.

Further details, evidence, and economics rationale about this project are available at this message board: